Statistical testing at multiple scales in brain ontologies with familywise error control

We developed a statistical testing framwork for brain imaging data that explores tradeoffs between statistical power and spatial resolution.
Applying joint graph embedding to study Alzheimer's neurodegeneration patterns in volumetric data

Using a new tool for graphical embedding of graphs to study neurodegeneration patterns in Alzheimer's disease.
The molecular cytoarchitecture of the adult mouse brain

Characterizing cell type distribution throughout the mouse brain.
Machine learning approach for obstructive sleep apnea screening using brain diffusion tensor imaging

Machine learning approaches applied to 3D DTI for OSA screening
Early amygdala and erc atrophy linked to 3d reconstruction of rostral neurofibrillary tau tangle pathology in alzheimer's disease

Studying shape changes in the amygdala and relating them to tau tangles detected in digital pathology.
atlas mapping methods for quantifying age related brain morphology and cell density
This was a talk given to the BICCN Developing Brain Atlas Working Group.
Hidden Markov modeling for maximum probability neuron reconstruction

We developed a new technique for automatically tracing out long neuron processes in microscopy images.
Histological validation of human post mortem amygdala DTI
Analysis of fiber orientation in 3D MRI and myelin stained 2D sections, poster presentation at SFN.
Joint graph embedding applied to networks estimated from correlations in volumetric data reveal Alzheimers neurodegeneration patterns
Using graphical models to study the changing brain over time in people with Alzheimer's disease. Presented at AAIC.
Molecular Computational Anatomy: Unifying the Particle to Tissue Continuum via Measure Representations of the Brain

We formalized the mathematical representation of imaging data features from the molecular to anatomical scales, and showed analysis for several examples including deposition of pathology in Alzheimer's disease.