Coarse-to-Fine Hamiltonian Dynamics of Hierarchical Flows in Computational Anatomy

We developed optimal control formulations for parameterizing deformations and features described at multiple scales. This work is contributing to brain atlasing initatives for microscopy images.
Diffeomorphic Upsampling of Serially Acquired Sparse 2D Cross-Sections in Cardiac MRI

We design diffeomorphic techniques to estimate unobserved data between sparsely sampled slices in cardiac MRI.
Estimating diffeomorphic mappings between templates and noisy data: Variance bounds on the estimated canonical volume form

We derived the Cramer Rau bound for estimating volume changes from deformable image registration, which is a lower bound on the variance of an estimator. We demonstrated its implications for image registration performance in asymmetric methods versus symmetric methods, the former generally performing better.