Projective diffeomorphic mapping of molecular digital pathology with tissue MRI

We formalized mathematical techniques for joint 3D reconstruction of digital pathology with MRI.
Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Magnetic Resonance Images to Screen Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Convolutional neural networks applied to 3D DTI for OSA diagnosis, presented at BMES.
Visualization of speech perception errors through phoneme alignment

We developed a tool to align heard and spoken words, at the level of phonemes, for quantifying speech perception errors in people with hearing loss.
A 7 Tesla Amygdalar-Hippocampal Shape Analysis of Lithium Response in Bipolar Disorder

This work examines the effect of lithium treatment in bipolar disorder on the structure of the hippocampus and amygdala.
Fitting Splines to Axonal Arbors Quantifies Relationship Between Branch Order and Geometry

We developed a new approach to studying the geometry of axons using data from the MouseLight project.
An optimized tissue clearing protocol for rat brain labeling, imaging, and high throughput analysis

Preliminary work analizing large rat brain images using the iDISCO brain clearing protocol.
CloudReg: automatic terabyte-scale cross-modal brain volume registration

Cloud based processing, atlas mapping, and visualization of massive neuroimages for multiple species and modalities.
Visualizing synaptic plasticity in vivo by large-scale imaging of endogenous AMPA receptors

We quantified a new fluorescence technique that labels all AMPA receptors int he mouse brain.
Multi Scale Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping of Spatial Transcriptomics Datasets

We develpoed a novel approach for summarizing imaging features at different scales, and computing distances between images represented in this manner.