Entorhinal and transentorhinal atrophy in preclinical Alzheimer's disease
Our latest manuscript was accepted to Frontiers in Neuroscience.
B.I.G. Summer 2020
Welcoming Ophelia Yang and Jaqueline Lu, two UCLA undergraduate students, to the BIG Summer program.
DiffCVML Presentations 2020
Two of our papers were presented at DiffCVML today.
3D Neuromage Analysis
Tracking subtle changes in brain anatomy in early neurodegeneration.
Digital Pathology
Mapping the microstructural features of healthy and pathological brain tissue.
DiffCVML Submissions 2020
Two of our papers were accepted to DiffCVML at CVPR 2020
Starting at UCLA
Moved to University of California Los Angeles from Johns Hopkins
Shape Special Interest Group 2019
Daniel Tward wins the best paper award from ShapeSIG at MICCAI 2019.
Farrington Daniels Award 2013
Daniel Tward presented Farrington Daniels Award at AAPM 2013.